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Register a Phone number and Display name for your WhatsApp Business API Account

For WhatsApp Business API, a verified phone number and an approved display name is a critical component for you to send and receive messages. Your business must use a valid phone number with these specifications: 

  1. Has a country and area code, such as landline and cell numbers
  2. Owned by you
  3. Able to receive voice calls or SMS
  4. Not a short code
  5. Not previously used with the WhatsApp Business API

Phone number

Messangi offers 2 options for registration of WhatsApp Business API numbers. In both cases, customer will need to have an E.164 formatted number that has not been used on WhatsApp before and capable of either receiving a call or text messaging.  The Phone number is used to programmatically send and receive WhatsApp business API messaging. 

  • Option 1: If you are leasing your number directly from Messangi, Messang will not only assist you in registering the number and display name, but will also help to provision a sender ID for this number.
  • Option 2: If you are bringing over your own number, this phone number must be able to receive voice calls or SMS in order to complete registration.  A Messangi Implementation manager will work with you directly to guide you on your process. This phone number must also not have been used with the WhatsApp Business API before.

Regardless of the option you choose, you want to make sure your phone number aligns with your business and the location/country of your business.



Once a phone number is registered on the WhatsApp Business API, it cannot be used for WhatsApp Business or the WhatsApp consumer app. A phone number can be upgraded to the WhatsApp Business API, but not downgraded.


Display Name

Display names are assigned to each phone number that is registered for WhatsApp Business API. All display names should have a relationship with your business and should not violate WhatsApp Commerce and Business policies. Please familiarize yourself with guidelines for Display names or contact Messangi if you have any questions.


How to request or register a phone number and display name for WhatsApp Business API

Whether you are leasing a number directly from Messangi or bringing your own number, you must submit a request to Messangi to process this.

Before proceeding to request a Phone number and display name approval, please make sure you have the following:

With the above information in hand, submit a request for a Phone number and display name approval. Please note that review and final approval is given by WhatsApp and this could take up to 48 hours. An email notification will be sent to the email address associated with your WABA.

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